Thursday, November 14, 2013

9/11 Comissioner Bob Kerrey wants you to know the truth about 9/11! He just can't' say it directly...

Bob Kerrey, 9/11 Commissioner, former Governor and Senator of Nebraska, has made a handful of public statements alluding to curiosities regarding September 11th, 2001, as well as the 9/11 Commission.  At a town hall meeting, when a man asks him how someone can sleep at night knowing a controlled demolition took place at the WTC Building on 9/11/01, Bob Kerrey responds, "I'm not sure I can sleep well at night."  Another time, when a journalist asks him about the collapse of WTC Building 7, Bob Kerrey tells him, "It is a 30 year conspiracy" referring to the events of 9/11, and that no one will ever get to the bottom of it.

A web search, or even browsing of YouTube videos, will present you with plenty of what Bob Kerrey has admitted regarding 9/11 and the commission sought to 'investigate' the event.  For your own convenience, I am posting two of the Kerrey videos below.  The first video showcases Kerrey saying 9/11 was a "30 year conspiracy", the other shows him revealing many details, including his admission that he has trouble sleeping at night.  After watching these videos, please visit my previous blog post, which goes into greater detail discussing the events of 9/11, and how we can stop the next 9/11.

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