Tuesday, March 31, 2015

33 47 51 77 96 | The Civil War, Dixie and the Battle of Fort Sumter, Wars by the Numbers

Lincoln was the 16th President
Sixteen = 1+9+6+2+5+5+5 = 33/42
War = 23+1+18 = 42
Our history is riddled with wars that are riddled with numerology.  Let's take the beginning of the Civil War for example, beginning with the formation of the '11 Confederate States', who adopted their Constitution on March 11, 1861, emphasis on the 3/11, or 311.  (U.S.A. = 3.1.1.) (Rhode Island, the 13th Colony, sums to 311 in Jewish Gematria)
  • This 3/11 fits perfectly with the nickname 'Dixie'
  • Dixie = 4+9+6+9+5 = 33
  • Dixie = 4+9+24+9+5 = 51
  • Confederate = 3+6+5+6+5+4+5+9+1+2+5 = 51
  • Confederate = 3+15+14+6+5+4+5+18+1+20+5 = 96
Further, that date of establishment connects to the larger "United States of America'.
  • United States of America = 84/93/102
  • 3/11/1861 = 3+11+18+61 = 93
  • Lincoln would be assassinated 4/15/65 
    • 4/15/65 = 4+15+65 = 84
    • 4/15/1865 = 4+15+18+65 = 102
Moving on, notice the war began on April 12, 1861, 32 days, or four weeks and four days after the creation of the Confederate Constitution.  If you count the end date, it began 33 days later...  Also, April 12 is the 102nd day of the year...
  • 4/12/61 = 4+12+61 = 77

Let us also decode the location of where 'the war began'.
  • Fort = 6+6+9+2 = 23
  • Sumter = 1+3+4+2+5+9 = 24
  • Fort Sumter = 47
  • Battle = 2+1+2+2+3+5 = 15
  • of = 6+6 = 12
  • Battle of Fort Sumter = 74
Fort Sumter is located on the 32nd parallel, very close to the 33rd.

The leader of Dixie and the Confederate States was Robert E. Lee.
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
  • E. = 5
  • Lee = 3+5+5 = 13
  • Robert E. Lee = 51
  • Robert = 18+15+2+5+18+20 = 78
  • E. = 5
  • Lee = 12+5+5 = 22
  • Robert E. Lee = 105
Recall that April 15 is the 105th day of the year.  Lincoln would die on April 15, 1865.
  • 4/15/65 = 4+15+65 = 84
  • United States of America = 84 (Pythagorean Gematria)
Robert E. Lee was born January 19, 1807 and died October 12, 1870, in the lone month with '33' Gematria.
  • October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33


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