Friday, September 22, 2017

45 56 59 | John McCain deals blow to Obamacare repeal, Sarah Palin is made Ambassador to Nambia, September 22, 2017 +Comey at Howard

577, the 106th prime; Authority = 106

Think about who Barack Obama ran for President against in 2008, the first time he was elected.  It was John McCain and Sarah Palin.  Sarah is also in the headlines today, and another '45'.

Funny she is heading to Nambia.

Obamacare = 59
Negro = 59
Slave = 59
Blues = 59
Rasta = 59
Jigaboo = 59
Tiger = 59
Woods = 59

Today is Trump's 246th day as President, 245-days after taking office.  Today is September 22, 2017.

9/22/2017 = 9+22+20+17 = 68 (Donald J. Trump) (Donald John Trump) (Barack Obama)
9/22/17 = 9+22+17 = 48 (Donald Trump) (Illuminati) (Freemason)

*Obamacare = 58; Washington = 58; United States = 58; Trump, winner of 58th election

This comes 56-days after the July 28 "thumbs down" by McCain.

Washington D.C. = 56
President = 56
All Seeing Eye = 56

John McCain is also from Arizona, the 48th state.  Donald Trump = 48

Also, don't overlook the Comey sad face.  Howard = 33; James = 33; Federal = 33

James Comey is 56.

Howard University, a school with many notable masonic alumni.

37 seconds...

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